Vilseck Village & the Big Guns
The advantage of trained and socialized dogs comes in to clear view during times of stress.  Storey and Robin left Albuquerque early on January 26, 2005, loaded with two very large suitcases each, two carry-ons, and three dogs.  They landed in Munich at 8 a.m on the 27th and were promptly reunited with Mango and Gaza who had traveled in the cargo hold. Spice made the trip in the cabin under her official title of Confined Space Rescue Dog.

The trip to Vilseck was a bit of a blur on the autobahn.  The day was cloudy, but relatively mild.  It had snowed over the past week accumulating nearly a foot in the fields.  The roads were still wet and the cars splashing by were covered in road grime, making the entire scene one of a resolute monochomatic grey.

Once at Rose Barracks Storey and Robby checked in to the Krystal Inn, their home for the next several months.  The two bedroom apartment is located just across from the high school. That convenience is slightly offset by its location on the 4th floor of a building with no elevators!

Rose Barracks is the eastern-most Army training area.  The land here is rural and the Army makes good use of that to run their tank exercises.  Road signs include notes like, “no tactical vehicles beyond this point” or speed zone signs with a picture of a car and the speed limit then a tank below the car and its speed limit.

The Army is serious about being ready for war.  Night and day the sounds of artillery and heavy machine guns go off.  The Black Rock gang -- dogs included -- have gotten used to it and really kind of like it. 

The units here are preparing for a return of half of the post's personnel from "down-range."  The other half will rotate out downrange shortly after the returning troops start their reintegration.  There will be an increase in firing range practise soon.  And more time to learn to love the sound of the guns.

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